Mel O'Joe
Phone (205)478-8661

Song Lyrics      Export Instrucions

The EXPORT functions is supported for PC desktops and laptops.  Its operation on iPhones, iPads, or Android devices may differ by device.

To Export from a PC:

  - For a SINGLE song file

     1. Click on the Song Name

     2. Click <Download> 

  - For MULTIPLE song files

     1. Check boxes for song files needed

     2. Click <Download>

  - To Download ALL song files

     1. Check a single box (for any song)

     2. Select <Open In><File Explorer>

     3. Drag & Drop files to Songook app

To Export from OTHER DEVICES:

 - For a SINGLE song file 

     1. Select checked box in upper right

     2. Check box next to apporpriate song

     3. Click <Export> at the bottom

     4. Select a folder to download to*

     5. Then, use Songbook to import song.


  - For MULTIPLE Files

     1. Select checked box in upper right

     2. Check boxes for all songs needed.

     3. Click <Export> at the bottom

     4. Select a folder to download to*

     5. Then, use Songbook to import song.

*Note: You must have an app on your device to export to (e.g. Drive, Dropbox, iCloud, etc).