Mel O'Joe
Phone (205)478-8661

Frequently Asked Questions

People often ask us the same questions when we perform.  Here is a few of the questions we get:

Q: [Where are you from?]
A: [We all live on Lake Martin, near Dadeville, Alabama.]

Q: [Where do you perform?]
A: [We perform at local Restuarants, Churches, and private parties, along with monthly performances at local Retirement Facilities and Nursing Homes.]

Q: [Where did you get the name "Mel O'Joe"]
A: [This name was created when the band consisted of Melvin Knoblett and Joe Hudson - ala "Mel" and "Joe".  Although the band has changed members over the years, so far they are sticking with the original name.]

Q: [Do you know any "Hank"?]
A: [Of course!  We do some Hank Williams and Hank Williams Jr. songs, along with other country, rock and gospel songs.]

Q: [Do you do any original songs?]
A: [Yes.  Melvin has written several original songs.  Most are gospel, but some are country and rock.  He has also collaborated with his cousin Bill Knoblett to create some unique tunes.]

Q: [Where can I hear your music?]
A: [Many of Melvin's original songs have been placed in his YouTube channel.  You can listen to them in the Video tab.]